Centrifuge repairs, rebuilds, and retrofits

We perform high value repair and maintenance on decanter centrifuges, separators, and control panels for the oil field, refining, chemicals, waste water, and food industries. Call us today at 832-577-4411.


                      Precision, Expertise, Value

RER servicing centrifuges, separators, and decanters.

Fast results

We offer high technical expertise and quick turn-key services with a strong focus on safety and reliability.
     --Fred Rivas, Owner

                    rotating equipment repair fast centrifuge repair

Repair services available for the following manufacturers:

Alfa Laval, Bird, Baker-Perkins, Dorr-Oliver, Flottweg, Heinkel,

 Hutchison-Hayes, Merco, Sharples, Tolhurst, Western States, Westfalia.

We are the experts in centrifuge repair, centrifuge rebuilds, and centrifuge maintenance.
Call on RER when you need centrifuge service to get you back to production.

NEW!! View our latest quick videos on removing a conveyer and on our fast turnaround.

The below videos show a Alfa Laval 414 repair and a demo of our consulting services.

Repair and Rebuild Centrifuge -->